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Fuel Staff

​Deer Season's Coming. Are you ready?

Proper land management doesn't begin 30 days out from the opening day of deer season. But sometimes life happens, and you find yourself counting the days down to deer season with a list of things left to do. If you haven't done any work on your land at all, don't despair. You can still make the most of the time you have left prior to deer season with this quick check list.

  1. MINERAL: if you haven’t gotten to it yet, it’s time to get mineral supplements out. Want to help the deer grow larger antlers? Feed them mineral. Try something like Lucky Buck or Antler King’s Trophy Deer Mineral, Power Rack or Apple Burst Block.

  2. FOOD PLOT: It’s not too late to get some seed in the ground for a food plot. There's still time to create a food plot with Antler King Seed Blends.

  3. TRACK THE ACTION: Hang cameras monitoring your mineral or food plot so that you can track antler growth and movement patterns on the deer at your land. Fuel Outdoor Gear has a variety of options from Moultrie, Stealthcam and Spartan.

  4. DEER CORN: Put out a feeder and corn where you plan to hunt. If you use a tripod or gravity feeder, you won’t have to put corn out as often. We have a few options of Moultrie Feeders in stock to meet your budget and needs.

  5. TICK REPELLENT: Don’t forget tick repellent spray. We recommend Repel with Permethrin Clothing & Gear Insect Repellent or Ben’s Clothing & Gear Insect Treatment and Repellent. You can pick it up when you stop by to get your corn.

Products to help you get Deer Season Ready are available on our site or in our retail location at 109 W. White Drive, Archdale, NC. Stop by and see us.

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